Playing Low Stakes Poker For A Living


My students and recreational poker playing friends have a complaint that I hear so often that it has become the overplayed radio hit of my poker conversations. There are interesting tunes in between of course; strategy questions, funny stories… But if I talk to a recreational player long enough, it always seems to come around: They can’t beat a table full of bad players and are certain that their results are better against better players.

The first thing that is important if you want to consider playing live poker for a living is plenty of action and good games with lots of recreational players in them. While there are casinos all over the world and many of them spread low stakes poker games like $1/$2, there isn't always enough consistent action in order to depend on them to make a living. Play a Lot of Hands Versus the Recreational Players. Many people do not maximize their win rate. In this vlog, I discuss in a very simple and quick manner how to strategize and profit off of most live low stakes player pools. If there are any questions o.

Small stakes poker

Sure, this statement seems like nonsense. And it generally is! I’ve put some thought into it, and I believe that the reason most of these people have the belief they do is because:

  1. They lose money in bigger chunks to bad players
  2. They tend to remember losing big pots to bad players more than other hands, and
  3. Most people who say this absolutely hate the big variance that comes with playing against bad players.

I’ve also seen many of these same people move up in stakes in an attempt to solve this problem, and they get slaughtered.

There is also a particular skill set that they may be lacking. The ability to quickly identify a very weak player, adjust to their playing style, and make the right decisions based on accurate hand ranges, are necessary components to beating a truly terrible player. Since the problem is so common, let’s take a shot at it.

Lower buy in quicker levels strategy. Thank you in advance

— Dave (@dave_has_aces) August 25, 2019

My Quick and Dirty Guide to Beating Low Stakes Tournaments*

Let’s start with what I refer to as “structure anxiety”. Many players feel like a fast structure takes all the skill out of the game, and they feel constant pressure to chip up and take risks or they will be blinded off. If this describes you, ask yourself this question: “Is there ever a time when you should play a hand differently because of the length of a the blind levels?”

While it is possible to come up with a few spots where you might theoretically alter your play based on structure, it would be very rare. In most cases, the size of the pot, your opponent’s range, and the stacks behind, pretty much dictate the action and how soon the blinds are going up has no effect.

When I first started playing poker for a living, I was playing single table tournaments on partypoker. Yes, I’m that old. And I was considered one of the “online poker kids” back in those days. When I switched to playing a few of the sit and gos with the turbo structure, it felt like constant pressure. My ROI went down a little, as I expected, but my hourly rate actually went up. Making 10% in nine tournaments per hour was better than making 13% in five tournaments per hour.

Playing poker professionally as a teenager/college student really solidified this for me. Calculate hourly rate and adjust your time tasks/time accordingly

— HH (@RealHerbHoover) August 1, 2019

I have taken this knowledge to multi-table tournaments as well. My ROI might be higher in a great structure, but a faster structure means that my hourly rate might be just as good or better. People make terrible mistakes in fast structures, and a lot of nitty players that you would rather avoid will either tilt off their chips in frustration or skip the tournament altogether, making the tournament a lot more fun and often more profitable. The last thing I worry about when thinking about playing a tournament is the structure.

Let your structure anxiety go. It doesn’t matter to the play of the individual hand, and your opponents are playing the same structure you are. Just play solid smart poker with the stack you have, and everything will be fine.

Another common complaint is that “they always call”. Well, give me a ring next time you have a table like that, I know how to beat the hell out of a table full of calling stations. I make my living beating tables full of calling stations. Your frustration is probably due to one of two things:

High Stakes Poker Youtube

1. You may be focusing on the bad beats

This is common. It also does you no good at all. You play good poker, and eventually you’ll get paid. Focusing on short term bad luck is not only a waste of time, but it will make you play worse. I see it every day. People who are so afraid of bad beats that they play badly simply in an attempt to avoid them.

If you see someone open raise for six big blinds in a tournament, they almost always have a big hand and are afraid of a bad beat. And when they just win the blinds with their raise, they are happy they didn’t lose a big pot. They have no idea that they allowed me to fold Ace-King instead of re-raising it, simply because they made a bad play. And they don’t care. Because they expect to lose if they get called. It’s a matter of their emotions costing them money at the table. Stop being afraid.

2. You could be playing very badly against loose players

I see this every time I play, too. Someone will open raise to three big blinds, and get called by a player who they know is playing almost any two cards. Then they give that player 80 big blinds on a 963 rainbow board with two jacks because they think that a bad player can’t have a good hand.

If a bad player limps into the pot, do you know how much to raise? Let’s look at an example hand, and you can answer the questions yourself and see if you agree with my assessment after.

A bad player who calls raises and plays almost every hand limps at the 300/600 level from middle position. You are on the button with a pair of tens. You each have around 20k in your stacks. How much do you raise here?

It varies depending on how bad the player really is, but my goal here is to pick the highest number that will get them to call, or I won’t raise at all. I don’t mind seeing a flop multi-way and keeping the pot small with a pair of tens, especially if the blinds are bad players as well and I can win a big pot if I flop a set. My typical raise here would be to around 2,600. This puts heat on the limper, get the blinds out, and either wins me the pot or gets me heads up with a lot of money in the pot when I have the best hand and I’m in position.

If I was in the small blind, but everything else was the same, I would raise to more like 3,600 because playing against a calling station out of position can be tough and I want to get as much money in now as I can or simply win the pot pre-flop.


If this bad player is very readable, then a smaller raise is also fine. Make it 1,700 to get the blinds out, and beat the bad player after the flop. However, it is important to remember that this player sees a lot more flops than you. They may be super loose pre-flop, but after the flop, when the big money goes in, they have “home field advantage” because they have been seeing flops with bad hands for many years and they are probably pretty good in such a situation.

So What’s the Key to Beating Bad Players?

If you aren’t beating bad players, you need to work on your skill set. It’s not a hard thing to do; it’s just something you haven’t learned how to do yet. Give it some thought, schedule a lesson with your favorite coach to talk about it, or keep working on your skill set and learning how to handle wide ranges with different stack sizes.

If you can’t beat a table full of fish, you have no shot at beating a table full of pros. I know it may not feel like this is true, but I promise that it is. If every player who thought they could beat a table full of pros was correct, the pros would be broke and these recreational players would be crushing them in the biggest cash games in the world.

What if I CAN Beat Bad Players? Why Am I Not Winning Low Stakes Tournaments?

The real question with smaller buy-in tournaments, is often which ones to play. The rake is high, the structures are fast enough that a low ROI Is guaranteed, and there aren’t ten more tournaments starting immediately like there were back my partypoker days. If your ROI drops to 25% because of a fast structure, and the rake is 25%, you are breaking even. If your ROI is actually 50% because you are a really great small stakes player, then you make 25% of a buy-in, which may be enough to cover your gas to drive to the casino and a few tips for drinks at the table, but you aren’t going to make much money.

The fields will always be soft, and while a little better structure is nice, the best thing to look for in low stakes tournaments is a low rake: $100+25 is pretty standard, but if you can find $125+25 it’s better, and if you are paying $75+25 the tournament is going to be tough to beat.


Find smaller stakes tournaments with low rake, often in the $200 range. Work on your skills. And let that structure anxiety go. You are playing a hand, not a structure. Play your hands well and you’ll be fine.

*Results not guaranteed. Use my advice at your own risk!

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Like a lion waiting to attack prey, tight aggressive poker players are patient but deadly!

Tight Aggressive Poker (TAG Poker)

The poker world, much like the real world is an ever changing place. New moves, strategy and technology shape ideas that can change the way poker is played. There are some things though that are a mainstay and no amount of technology or innovation will change that. One of these is the tight aggressive style being one of the most profitable styles for low stakes poker. This article will highlight and explain why tight aggressive poker still wins.

Beginner Texas Hold’em Question

What does TAG mean in poker?

“TAG” is the shortened definition of tight aggressive. To be a TAG or tight aggressive means to play few hands but play them aggressively. It essentially means you are the aggressor when you enter the pots you play.

Playing fewer hands give you maths edge

Players at lower stakes make the mistake of playing too many hands. This is not a winning strategy for any stakes of poker. You will run into premium hands too often and be fighting an uphill battle trying to outplay opponents who have strong hands. Please note, I am not referring to Loose Aggressive (LAG) which can be a profitable strategy. I am referring to playing like 50% of hands or more at full rung. Playing fewer hands will give you a mathematical edge on your opponents. It stands to reason that if you are playing better hands, you are more likely to have top pair or a better kicker. This edge can’t be understated at low stakes. It’s one of the core factors that will separate winning and losing players.

Aggressive poker wins

Being aggressive means you are going to win more pots you contest. Whether by winning it uncontested before the flop or after the flop, more pots can be won when you are betting and raising. In the 15 years I’ve played poker, I’ve never heard of anyone who wins in the long term adopting a passive style of poker. Every professional I’ve spoken with, every book I’ve read and every video I’ve watched have all recommended aggressive poker. The amount of hands you play is less relevant than the fact you need to be aggressive in poker. Poker is a battle and passive poker does not win battles.

More successful bluff rate

One of the best consequences of employing a tighter style of poker is the way you can pull off bluffs better. Playing a looser brand of poker is more fun but also gets you caught more. Tight aggressive poker gives you a solid image. People will believe you. With the right balance, this is a fantastic image to have. This means you can raise more liberally, particularly on the button and still get respect. A successful bluff rate doesn’t just mean the big bluff representing big ovepair on a low board. It also means having a success steal rate or a high continuation bet success rate too.

Easier decisions & less mistakes

Poker players don’t like being out of the comfort zone or awkward spots. This is where big mistakes can be made. The risk of this is significantly reduced when you are playing premium hands and the first in bettor. A tight aggressive poker style means you won’t be playing hands like J 7 offsuit and wondering what to do on a 10-7-5-6 board. When you are playing stronger hands, you will typically be hitting top pair type hands. This makes decisions quite straightforward. This is music to the ears of beginners and intermediate players.

Downsides to TAG Poker

I want to provide a balanced article and provide all the information on this style of poker. TAG poker comes with limitations too. There are a couple below.

Playing Low Stakes Poker For A Living Man

Conclusion on Tight Aggressive Poker

Tight aggressive poker is one of the best strategies you can employ at low stakes. You may be a little predictable, but most players at low stakes don’t care and still make mistakes. Playing this style allows you to win more pots you contest, steal more from late position and manipulate pots the way you want. As you develop as a player and move up the stakes, you can incorporate more hands and creative plays, but at low stakes TAG poker is winning poker.

Playing Low Stakes Poker For A Living Video

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